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Welcome to the Call Me Farms Campanions page where you will meet some of the Rat Terrier pets that we've placed over the years. As you will see, even our pets are lovely dogs who bring joy to their families. Most of our pet owners return for another dog. Please read the testimonials below to see for yourself - whether conformation, performance or pet, our dogs excel.

How are you? We are doing pretty good with Meeko, he is adapting really well, is very playfull and just like a little kid. Play, play and play and sometimes he is at 150% speed. Typical Rat Terrier, he loves naps with us on the couch and is a bundle of joy.

We are at the crate training stage and taking him outside and we are making very good progress. Sometimes he is pure Rat Terrier, that hunting instinct comes into play, or sometimes he starts digging, he is a character!

Tomorrow he has his second Vet appointment for some vaccinations. By the way they were very surprised at the paperwork you gave us, they haven't seen forms as complete and detailed as yours in years.
Here are some pictures that I took last night.


In For a Swim
I was just telling Ben that we needed to send some new pictures to you and tell you how he's doing. I can start by saying that he's doing just great!!! He is just so much fun and is so loving (major lap dog). He goes to the door or sits in front of us when he needs to go out, sits on command, comes to his name, plays fetch, is learning to drop items instead of playing tug-of-war, is sleeping through the night, and gained a half pound this week. He loves taking naps after playing hard and is getting to where he goes right to his kennel if he sees we're getting ready to leave the house. I personally think he does that because of the Kong stuffed with treats and peanut butter I give him. And the newest fun activity he has taken to is swimming. He came up to the pool when we were swimming and I let him get on the float I was on. Then he decided to get off and swam to Nick. I've attached a picture of that for you. He loves being outside and gets tons of attention from all the neighborhood boys that come over to play. He has also been introduced to 5 other neighborhood dogs and has loved every minute with them. We have a wonderful dog on our hands!

I'll keep you updated on his progress! Take care!
~Christine and Nick

I hope all is well with you and on the farm. I hope Oliver's brother is as happy as he is. He is sleeping in my lap right now as happy as can be. :) He LOVES to play with the big dogs and they are surprisingly gentle and patient with him. He favorite game is "try to get me" with the other dogs. He is faster than them (for his size) and since he's smaller he can go places they can't and he uses that to his advantage. He is eating well and growing fast. I took him to the park for a school picnic a week or so ago. There were many dogs, but he was the smallest and the most energetic. Everyone loved him and were amazed that he was not scared of any of the other dogs including the big golden retriever, but the golden was scared of him. haha. There was even another rat terrier there whose markings were almost exactly the same as Oliver's. He makes us laugh everyday and we are so glad he is a part of our family.

Katrina Woodring

Sisters Forever
As many people can attest to, an adopted sibling can be as dear as a blood one. Call Me Waltzing Matilda Blue (aka Tilda), an Australian Cattle Dog and Call Me Carol's Lil' Mishka (aka Mouse), a toy Rat Terrier, were adopted from Cynthia Humphrey's kennel and home. They are members of Tom and Carol Clark's family, who seem to find extra joy and comfort when in each others company (especially if Dad and Mom have left them at home by themselves for a couple of hours.)

I hope all is going well for you this summer. It sure looks like you've had some incredible shows lately!
I am sending you a few pictures of Spike (Call Me The Last Straw aka Spike). He is 4 years old now (6/11/03) and certainly a big part of our family. I could send you hundreds of photos and videos. He is the favorite subject for the boys. Their current favorite video is of Spike singing along to the harmonica!

Marcie Burland

Part of the Family
Here are a couple of cute ones of our Rat Terrier.

We are VERY pleased with her. She has become a special part of our family. We are amazed at how well she gets along with all of our kids (from 5 yrs old to almost 18 yrs old!). Everyone loves her. She does lots of tricks also and is very healthy. Though we did find out that she has a bit of an allergic reaction to one of the vaccines. We had to rush her back to the vet's for a shot of benedryl. Her sweet little face was swelling up terribly! Next year, benedryl first, then vaccine.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures and thanks so much for such a wonderful dog.

Jean Ann Gogerty

Wanted to tell you that Casey beat her illness. Last week we got the clean bill of health and the go ahead to not give her pills anymore. Finally, she's been on them since May! Her blood count was at 50%!!! Above the norm. Obviously just monitor her with no pills in her to see how she is but should be great.

We took her to downtown farmers market Saturday to celebrate. She was prancing around like she was the star in the parade...

HA! Here is your Casey Key with Santa! Daughter of ShyAnn and Boz 8 years old! Happy and Healthy and TOOOOO CUTE!!! Thanks for letting me ask you questions, and vent my scared voice.

Amanda Kulaw

As I mentioned to you before, we could not be happier with our little rat terrier, Brandy. She is so loving, fun, loyal, desirous to please, sweet natured, incredibly smart,.. the list goes on. We also think she is very pretty. She is so uplifting; after a crazy day at work, to come home to her is such a pleasure. When my husband and I take her on walks, we both smile at her stately little gait and laugh at her cute antics when exploring new turf.

It has been wonderful having her as our pet, although she seems more than that to us; she is our family. Thank you for helping to bring her into this world and providing for her healthy start in life.

Our only concern is that we hate seeing the sad look on her face when we leave her to go to work, out to eat, etc. Also, she is so smart and fun-loving that I think she gets bored sometimes, because we can't play with her all the time. So that is why we contacted you about another puppy. I remember when we picked up Brandy from you, she and all the other little dogs seemed so happy and content and not at all bored. Now, I wouldn't want so many and I admire you that you can and are willing to take care of so many of our canine friends, however, having two little rat terriers should suit us just fine and would give Brandy a full time companion.

Brian and Karen Martin